Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Finished Object

To date, the finished object I’m most proud of (there aren’t many to choose from…) is the red scarf that I made for Pete Bland.

This scarf was my first attempt at purling, knitted in a 3 stitch rib. The yarn was "I Love This Yarn!" and I did, indeed, love that yarn. It felt great in my hands and knitted really smoothly. Not to mention, it was a beautiful cranberry color. In fact, I was so addicted to the fact that I could make a ribbed scarf that I worked on this one nearly constantly until it was finished. My only regret is that it turned out a little shorter than I intended (unfortunately, I made a mistake in the pattern and couldn't get the rib back... so I stopped a little short). I added fringe, which I know was a risk for a guys scarf...

I was also particularly proud of this object because it felt really awesome to give it away. Pete and I are officers in the Physics club together, and we spend hours working, hanging out, or just sitting around. One afternoon while I worked on another project Pete made a comment about having wanted a knitted scarf since he was in high school. He's graduating in the winter. This seemed the perfect time to give him something to stay warm after he leaves. He was incredibly happy and immediately wrapped it around his neck... He said, "It's a little warm for a scarf now... but this will be awesome."

He didn't even seem to mind the fringe. :)

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