Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Keeping it simple

I said on my last post that my family is convinced that our computer and internet are powered by hamsters on wheels, well I'm beginning to wonder if one of our hamsters has died. Its running slower than ever, and I'm scared of using work computers for personal use since its explicitly forbidden... My WIP is going much more smoothly though. I decided to keep this one simple, so I'm using garter stitch still. (Learning something new just isn't feasible right now.) It will me about seven inches wide (30 Stitches) and will be as long as I can make it before my patience runs out. I'm using bright red wool, but haven't decided who or what the scarf is for yet( it will probably depend on how it turns out). I am moving at a glacial pace because I don't want to mess up at this point and have to start over. I'm taking a good 10 min. per row, because my stitches are so tight they will hardly come off my needles. On the plus side, I was able to finally set aside some time for knitting because I got Tuesday off... possible kidney stone equates to some free time at last! I might mention that I'm ready to be back at UCA now. I really am looking forward to this class, and am having fun with my knitting, even if my posts seem pessimistic. I've always wanted to be able to knit and crochet, but my personal teaching methods are making this most interesting.

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