Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Of Newspaper Hats and Sweatshirts

Crafting of various forms has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  My Grandma sews, my Grandbeth sews, knits, and crochets, her mother my Grandma Frankie does all three as well, and my mom sews and cross stitches.
I’ve attempted all of these crafts and many more over my lifetime.  One of my many attempts that I have documented is this wonderful newspaper hat I made when I was 5.

As you can see my friend Jacob and I were pro’s.  We made these hats at a crafting day at the local library.  Our mom’s took us both and we decorated these newspaper hats while they decorated woven ones.  All I remember about this day is the actual hat making part, sitting very still while someone held a newspaper over my head and wound ducktape around, and around.  But oddly when I try to remember anything else about it my mind wanders to another crafting memory.
My mom used to make homemade gifts for my grandparents when I was very little. She would paint my hands and feet, or both and have me step on sweat shirts.  It sounds a little odd, but the end result was a shirt decorated with my hand or foot print that she would either caption, or decorate.  She even made one for my Grandmother that had not only my handprint, but my three cousins’ as well.  It was fun for me because I got to paint things and it meant a lot to my grandparents.  Both of my grandmothers wore theirs until the fabric paint came off and it was always really interesting to me to compare my hand to that of my two or three year old self.

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